Traveling with Your Pets

The travel season is upon us, and many people are planning their summer vacations with their furry pets. However, traveling with pets requires a little more planning than simply letting them hop up into the seat. Ensuring your pet’s safety while driving is...

Humane Society outreach with Juvenile Services Center

Even after the shelter is closed for the day, the Humane Society of the Black Hills (HSBH) continues to work hard to educate others about their mission.  On Wednesday nights, the HSBH ventures to the Juvenile Services Center (JSC) with various animals to teach...

More details of the highly anticipated kennel project

Many people who have talked to me at the Humane Society of the Black Hills – either during a tour, orientation, or just some poor soul who happens to make eye contact with me in the lobby – have probably heard this number: 5,227. That’s a big number and it raises some...