Rebuilding the momentum to serve our community

Two short years ago, the Humane Society of the Black Hills actually closed to the public for more than a month doing only limited intake and outdoor adoptions. We weren’t alone, of course, as business after business restricted public access, curtailed services, or...

A Year-End Note From Our Director

Coronavirus sent shockwaves through our communities and the Humane Society of the Black Hills shared the general angst. In March, we temporarily closed to the public and, like everyone else, struggled to find the best direction forward. While we were reeling from the...

We Will Always Be Here For Animals

As the end of 2020 approaches, we reflect on the challenges faced.  With dedicated staff and wonderful volunteers rising to every occasion, the Humane Society of the Black Hills has been able to navigate and adapt to rapidly-evolving changes in our every-day routine. ...

$100,000 Homes for the Holidays Opportunity

Update: We’ve hit our goal! An incredibly generous community has donated $50,000 for these matching funds. Donations received through the end of this year which are received in addition to the goal amount will be directed to the kennel project. Thank you for the...

Family Fare receipts could earn Humane Society $1,000

Save your Family Fare receipts! If you’re a Family Fare shopper, your receipts could help the Humane Society of the Black Hills earn $1,000 through the Family Fare Direct Your Dollars program. Simply put your Family Fare receipts in the box pictured and a...

Puppypalooza is just another Tuesday

Twenty-four dogs were brought to the Humane Society of the Black Hills on Thursday, Dec. 21 – eight adults and 16 puppies from the Eagle Butte shelter. The hallway outside the medical exam room was filled with puppies – some too young to move much, but others...