Humane Society Service Updates
July 1, 2020
The Humane Society of the Black Hills is an open admission shelter and an essential service in and around Rapid City. The health of our employees and the community are of utmost concern. At this time, the Humane Society of the Black Hills will reopen to the public with guidelines in place:
- If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, such as elevated temperature, cough, shortness of breath, etc., or if you have been exposed to a person known to be positive for COVID-19, we ask you to not visit the shelter.
- Please wear a mask while in the building
- Please maintain a 6 ft distance from others at all times
- If the lobby is full, please wait in the entrance area or outside until it is appropriate to enter
- In the kennel area, please do not touch the kennels, tap on glass, etc.
- Intake will continue daily from 8AM to close. If you are uncomfortable coming into the facility, call and a staff member will meet you in the parking lot. There will still be paperwork to complete, but we will go out of our way to ensure as much social distance as possible.
Adoptions are by appointment only. You may still make an appointment to see an animal by calling our adoptions team at 605-394-4170. If you visit the humane society and see an animal you would like to adopt, let the front desk staff know to begin the appointment process. Day-of appointments are possible, but not guaranteed.
- Dog adoptions
If you’re uncomfortable visiting a dog inside the shelter building, call and make an appointment to meet with an adoption advisor; we’ll arrange the visit outside, weather depending. - Cat and small animal adoptions
If you would still like to adopt a cat and are uncomfortable entering the building, at your scheduled appointment time, an adoption advisor will escort you through the volunteer door and into the animal adopt rooms instead of through our main lobby.
Kittens are available at Petsmart as of 6/23/2020.
To manage the number of people in the building, volunteer opportunities will continue to be by appointment-only.
- Dog walkers: If you’re a current volunteer and decide to continue to walk dogs, we still welcome you! In addition to regular volunteer hours, we can accept volunteers at 8AM to walk potty trained dogs that – due to staffing shortages – might not get a regular morning walk. During this time, we want to be as respectful to the dangers of COVID-19 and as flexible as possible to continue to provide for the animals under our care.
To learn more about volunteer scheduling, call the volunteer coordinator at (605) 341-3217!
Now more than ever your support is not only appreciated but critical. Donations of food, money, and supplies can be left in the lobby or, if you are uncomfortable entering the building, call and we will meet you in the parking lot. Donating online is easy, too – check out our Donate button below! A monthly contribution would help today and into the future.
Want to help those springtime newborn litters?
Kelsey Harty, Animal Services & Enforcement officer Spring is here and with the warmer weather comes all those cute spring time babies. From kittens, to rabbits, and even baby deer, we’ll be seeing them all in our communities soon. Here are some helpful hints to...
Humane Society Service Updates
July 1, 2020
The Humane Society of the Black Hills is an open admission shelter and an essential service in and around Rapid City. The health of our employees and the community are of utmost concern. At this time, the Humane Society of the Black Hills will reopen to the public with guidelines in place:
- If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, such as elevated temperature, cough, shortness of breath, etc., or if you have been exposed to a person known to be positive for COVID-19, we ask you to not visit the shelter.
- Please wear a mask while in the building
- Please maintain a 6 ft distance from others at all times
- If the lobby is full, please wait in the entrance area or outside until it is appropriate to enter
- In the kennel area, please do not touch the kennels, tap on glass, etc.
- Intake will continue daily from 8AM to close. If you are uncomfortable coming into the facility, call and a staff member will meet you in the parking lot. There will still be paperwork to complete, but we will go out of our way to ensure as much social distance as possible.
Adoptions are by appointment only. You may still make an appointment to see an animal by calling our adoptions team at 605-394-4170. If you visit the humane society and see an animal you would like to adopt, let the front desk staff know to begin the appointment process. Day-of appointments are possible, but not guaranteed.
- Dog adoptions
If you’re uncomfortable visiting a dog inside the shelter building, call and make an appointment to meet with an adoption advisor; we’ll arrange the visit outside, weather depending. - Cat and small animal adoptions
If you would still like to adopt a cat and are uncomfortable entering the building, at your scheduled appointment time, an adoption advisor will escort you through the volunteer door and into the animal adopt rooms instead of through our main lobby.
Kittens are available at Petsmart as of 6/23/2020.
To manage the number of people in the building, volunteer opportunities will continue to be by appointment-only.
- Dog walkers: If you’re a current volunteer and decide to continue to walk dogs, we still welcome you! In addition to regular volunteer hours, we can accept volunteers at 8AM to walk potty trained dogs that – due to staffing shortages – might not get a regular morning walk. During this time, we want to be as respectful to the dangers of COVID-19 and as flexible as possible to continue to provide for the animals under our care.
To learn more about volunteer scheduling, call the volunteer coordinator at (605) 341-3217!
Now more than ever your support is not only appreciated but critical. Donations of food, money, and supplies can be left in the lobby or, if you are uncomfortable entering the building, call and we will meet you in the parking lot. Donating online is easy, too – check out our Donate button below! A monthly contribution would help today and into the future.
Want to help those springtime newborn litters?
Kelsey Harty, Animal Services & Enforcement officer Spring is here and with the warmer weather comes all those cute spring time babies. From kittens, to rabbits, and even baby deer, we’ll be seeing them all in our communities soon. Here are some helpful hints to...